Friday, June 6, 2008

A pat on the back

I made a post the other day, basically saying thank you to all those people who put the hours in to keep the Uni running:

Well the war's over, and the work load climbs even higher.

As a director every corp application appears in your inbox. Its annoying. During any war you look at the frequency of applications and you spare a thought for the poor RO's who'll have to process them. Then you consider all the classes that'll have to be taught (You always try to ramp up the number of classes per subject, per week, after a dec to cover all the new recruits). Finally, as a Director you spare a thought for you and the rest of the leadership who are going to be very busy people over the coming weeks.

As this war dragged on I looked forward to the end of the dec when I could return to missioning, peaceful exploration, and teaching. I also thought about just how much work the directors, managers, instructors, teachers and mentors, were going to contend with. With something like 700 applications waiting to be processed it's clear we've got a lot of paperwork to get through and a lot of noobs to teach.

Its always great to have new blood in the corp. It brings with it a hunger for learning and opportunities that revitalises a corp after a protracted war dec, and it also makes you realise just how great the Uni is. Kudos to each and every one of you who processes the applications, who takes a class, or who mentors a student. The work load is climbing but the Uni will not be found wanting.

A very big pat on the back from me to each and every one of you making the Uni all that it is.
I started this post, to talk about the work load from my perspective and then decided to expand on it to give everyone a better idea of just what happens after a war dec. The majority of you will be out missioning and mining, but there are some who'll still be dealing with the aftermath for days if not weeks.

Now that might sound a bit dramatic but its no joke. I can give you a very good indicator of just how busy things are.

Those of you who use the Uni labs for research will be used to seeing plenty of empty slots. On average we have around 12 jobs running at anyone time. That's 4 labs, out of a possible 9. Within 24 hours of the dec, the RO's had obviously been busy processing the apps because I came back to find the labs completely full. This is NOT the norm!

Remember that's not even the new students because no one gets lab access before gaining the Student title. Its great to see, and its the way the labs should look because its such a great opportunity for the students, but it was a bit of a shock to log in to that.

So while its great to be back missioning, mining, and all the other things we enjoy doing out of war. When you really want that title, or you really want that item from the hanger, spare a thought for the people who keep the Uni running because they are still under seige and they've got a way to go yet.


CrazyKinux said...

I've added you to the EVE Player Blogroll

Now would be the time to update your blog!



Keystone said...

Are there any PvP ops in E-UNI?

I thought about joining since I'm a new player, but it looked like the Corp was for teaching all aspects of the game except PvP, but maybe I read into that wrong.

I'd still be interested in joining, but I'd like to know more about the PvP side of E-UNI.

Placebo Effect